Reading, Writing, and the Struggle of the Self

English 249-02, Advanced Expository Writing

Send a question to Prof. Cream:

Calendar of Classes

This calendar is for specific information on class activities. It is updated weekly. For more general information on the schedule for the semester, see the syllabus page.


The final essay is due today. Late essays will be penalized by 5 pts per day.

4/27 & 4/29

We'll continue to work through the final essay assignment. Tuesday's class is a mandatory thesis review session. Thursday's class is cancelled to allow for time to meet with me. Please send me a note to request a time.

4/20 & 4/22

We'll work towards the final essay this week. On Tuesday we'll discuss the assignment and expectations for the assignment. I'll go over what sorts of projects will be successful for this assignment. Thursday's class is cancelled to allow time for individual meetings with me. To sign up for one, send me an email message.

4/13 & 4/15

We'll work through Shaftesbury's Askhmata this week, working towards the anotated bibliography and the final essay. Read the material on the self for Tuesday's class; for Thursday, you should have completed the entire handout.

I'll continue to make myself available for instruction on conducting research using databases of scholarly journals. The most convenient times for me are M-F, 8:30 am until 12 noon. Send me a note if you need help at some other time.

4/6 & 4/8

We'll continue with Descartes this week, while working toward the Annotated Bibliography. Tuesday's class will be spent on Parts II and IV. Thursday's class is cancelled for the holiday.

I will be spending time dedicated to instructing students in conducting research using scholarly journals. This week's time dedicated to that endeavor is Wednesday, from 8:30 until 12 noon. I can be found in my office. If you're interested, drop by. I'll also be available for assistance all week long next week during my usual office times (Mon Wed Fri 8:30 til 12 noon, Tues Thurs 8:30 til 12:30). If these times don't work for you, send me a note.

3/30 & 4/1

This week will be spent reading Descartes's Discourse on Method. We'll work through Parts I & II on Tuesday and Thursday.

3/23 & 3/25

Your Book Review is due on Friday 3/26 at 12 noon.

This week we'll continue working through the Foucault. On Tuesday we'll work through lectures III, IV, and VI. For Thursday, read the introduction and Part I of Descartes' Discourse on Method.

3/16 & 3/18

This week we'll work through Foucault's Technologies of the Self. We'll work through lecture I and the introduction on Tuesday, and lectures II and II on Thursday.

3/9 & 3/11

This week is Spring Break. It may be wise to spend the break with your selected book for the book review, which will be due one week after you return. You also are asked to read Foucault's Technologies of the Self for class on 3/16 and 3/18.

3/2 & 3/4

We're finishing up the first essay, a significant graded assignment. I'm reading rough drafts all week long, conferencing with students in my office. Tuesday's class is cancelled to allow for that conferencing. There's a class session on Thursday devoted to a final review of the draft, including surface errors. The essay is due on 3/5 at 12 noon.


We're working on the first essay this week. Tuesday's class is cancelled to provide time for conferences. This week's conferences may be on either idea/topic/thesis or on argument/draft. I've provided a variety of times for meetings; select a convenient time from the conferences page.

A thesis is due in class on Thursday, 2/26.


We'll work through Seneca's Letters this week. The reading is 17 pages, so figure on about half for each class. Skip any letter you wish, but prepare to be an expert on at least one of them.

There's a requirement for you to formally propose and defend a topic and thesis during this week, so check the Essay I page for info on times.


We'll continue with Foucault's essay this week, working through the section on the Correspondence.


This week we'll work through Foucault's "Self Writing" essay. On Tuesday we'll go through the introduction, looking for links to Epictetus. On Thursday, we'll try to work through the section on the Hupomnemata


We'll work through the Epictetus this week. We will focus on his depiction of the relationship one has with oneself. Take note of the ways in which he divides the concerns of life. Try to understand the underlying priciples for his advice. Prepare to write Tuesday.


The first week will be spent in the usual introductory way. The first reading will be assigned for next week, Epictetus's Handbook.