Reading, Writing, and the Struggle of the Self

English 249-02, Advanced Expository Writing

Send a question to Prof. Cream:


To keep up with current assignments, check the calendar page.


I have decided not to ask you to write another out of class assignment over the weekend. Reading the Askhmata will be enough.


I've extended the deadline for submitting Writing VIII to 12 noon on Wednesday 4/7.


The writing assignment has been loaded and is available here and on the weekly writings page. It's due before 8 am on 4/7. Also, the annotated bibliography assignment is now available.

Please note that class is cancelled for the holiday on Thursday.


Class on Tuesday, 3/2 has been cancelled to allow time for conferences. To select a time, head over to the conferences page. Please remember that Thursday's class is an optional review of drafts, dedicated to polishing and removing surface errors.


Class on Tuesday, 24 February has been cancelled to allow time for conferences. To select a time, head over to the conferences page. Note the changes made in our long term schedule on the schedule page.


A corrected version of Seneca's Letters was loaded up this morning; if you downloaded the text on Thursday, you're missing the last 3 pages or so.

The Essay I page is now loaded and available


The statistics and Weekly Writing pages are now available


The website is active for the semester