Reading, Writing, and the Struggle of the Self

English 249-02, Advanced Expository Writing

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Schedule of Classes

This schedule provides a brief overview of the reading and writing assignments of the semester. It is subject to change. For more specific information on what to read for upcoming classes, see the calendar page.

1/20 & 22 Class Introduction

1/27 & 29 Epictetus's Enchiridion

2/3 & 5 Foucault's "Self Writing"

2/10 & 12 Foucault's "Self Writing"

2/17 & 19 Seneca's Letters

2/24 & 26 Workshop on Thesis and Conferences

3/2 & 3/4 Conferences and Essay I Due

3/16 & 18 Foucault's Technologies of the Self

3/23 & 25 Foucault's Technologies of the Self Shaftesbury's Askhmata Book Review Due

3/30 & 4/1 Shaftesbury's Askhmata

4/6 & 8 Descartes' Discourse on Method

4/13 & 15 Descartes' Discourse and Annotated Bibliography

4/20 & 22 Conferences and Workshops

4/27 & 29 Workshops, Conferences, and Essay III